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Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy outlines how I collect, use, and protect your information when you interact with my personal website and services.


Nature of Services: 

I specialize in offering digital marketing services, including consultation, content creation, social media management, copywriting, website optimization, paid advertising, etc. Additionally, my community page allows marketers and enthusiasts to connect, network, share experiences and insights.


Data Collection: 

I collect basic information such as names, email addresses, occupations, and skills through forms and cookies.


Purpose of Data Collection:
  1. Improving User Experience:

    • Enhancing website functionality and personalizing user interactions.

  2. Understanding Customer Activities:

    • Analyzing user behavior to tailor my services and content.

  3. Marketing Purposes:

    • Sending relevant marketing communications based on user preferences.


Information Collected:

I may collect names, email addresses, occupations, skills, and other relevant information that aids in providing personalized experiences.

How Information is Collected:

  1. Forms:

    • Information is collected through forms on my website, ensuring transparency about the data I request.

  2. Cookies:

    • Cookies are employed to track and analyze user interactions, providing insights for continuous improvement.


Storage Duration:

The collected data is stored for an indefinite period to maintain a seamless user experience.


Third-Party Services:

While I use Wix to host my website, please note that Wix has its own privacy policies. Refer to Wix's privacy policy for additional information.


Security Measures:

I prioritize the security of your data and employ measures to safeguard it against unauthorized access or disclosure.


User Rights:
  1. Access:

    • You can request access to your personal information held by me.

  2. Rectification:

    • You have the right to correct any inaccuracies in your personal data.

  3. Erasure:

    • You can request the deletion of your personal information.


Opt-Out Options:

You can opt out of data collection or unsubscribe from marketing communications at any time through clearly provided options.


  1. Purpose of Cookies:

    • Cookies are used for enhancing user experience, analyzing site traffic, and improving my services.

  2. Cookie Preferences:

    • You can manage cookie preferences through your browser settings.


Policy Updates:

This privacy policy may be updated to reflect changes in my practices. You will be informed of any substantial updates.


Contact Information:

For privacy-related inquiries or to exercise your rights, please contact me at

By using my website and services, you agree to the terms outlined in this Privacy Policy. Thank you for entrusting me with your information.

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