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How To Get Remote Marketing Internships In 2024

Updated: Jan 11

It is no secret that digital marketing has so many skill areas that most of us end up focusing on a few of them and forgetting the rest, especially if we don’t have roles where we need to actually use them.

This had me kind of stressed a while back so I was digging through the web to find a site that could help me practice things I was not doing a lot, like email marketing. That is when I stumbled on Acadium, a site that connects marketers to remote internship/ apprenticeship programs with foreign businesses.

For my needs, I was trying to decide if I should go with Acadium or just building my own personal website. I eventually went with the latter so I can practice whatever I want while still helping others learn from my day-to-day experiences and mistakes. Speaking of which, you can subscribe to my newsletter at the bottom of this article to stay updated on all the useful stuff. I will be sharing everything I come across in my marketing journey that could be helpful to you

But anyway, I realized Acadium would have been an absolute game changer when I first started out; and struggled to get roles that gave me well-rounded experience. So I decided to test it out and share what I found.


How To Get Started

1.     Click here to go to the website.

2.     Sign up for a free account (very straightforward)

3.     Select which areas of digital marketing you want to get experience in (go for high-demand skills to get matched quicker) and preferred industries.

4.     Carefully complete your full profile (critical for matching!)

5.     Answer all questions and submit video recordings when requested

6.     Patiently wait to get matched

What to expect

It can take up to two weeks to be matched with a mentor for your apprenticeship depending on your preferred skills and your background. Keep in mind nothing is guaranteed, like any position your profile will be reviewed and you will have an interview with the business you are matched with.

When I tested it out, I got 3 offers in a month and the acceptance emails said I had to respond within 24 hours so keep an eye on your inbox and notifications.

A screenshot of an email from Acadium notifying they have found a mentor for me and I have 24 hours to contact the mentor.

Once you are accepted, you are expected to commit 10 hours a week (2 hours a day) which isn't a tough commitment to make. Your mentor is expected to give you 1-2 hours of personal guidance every week. But I’ve heard some of the mentors may not be so good so notify Acadium if you need to switch.

What else you can do on Acadium

While waiting to get matched you can take the short courses on the site to make yourself stand out. You can also do the Micro-tasks posted by real businesses to get additional experience and expand your portfolio.

Can the internship lead to a full-time role?

According to Acadium, more than 50% of interns are hired by the mentor’s company at the end of the 3 months. So this unpaid investment could score you a permanent job as well!

So if you feel like this is something you could use, go ahead and sign up right here. And share this post to your socials if you think people in your circle could be interested.


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