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How To Create Highly Engaging LinkedIn Posts (With Examples)

Getting someone to stop scrolling and read your entire post is challenging these days. Especially with content about professional topics. Research says the average attention span of humans decreased by a crazy 25% in the last two decades. So you need the right strategy to create compelling content as you battle for attention in the crowded LinkedIn space.

As someone who actively creates content for LinkedIn and stays on the platform 24/7, I made a list with six tips for highly engaging LinkedIn posts along with examples from Top Ethiopian LinkedIn creators.

1. Tell Stories

Stories create an emotional hook that pulls readers in and makes them invested to see where you'll go next. While facts and data are important, weaving in personal anecdotes and talking about your own journey brings the post to life.

Share a meaningful story that feels relatable and resonates on a deeper level. Use vivid details and take readers right into the scene. Describe how the story impacted you - the challenges you faced and lessons you learned. This helps others connect through shared experiences.

A few months back, Diana Yohannes, one of the top LinkedIn creators gave me a tip to use storytelling in my content because people just love stories. Here is the perfect example from her.

2. Use Empathy

When you connect with readers through shared experiences and emotions, it creates strong bonds and keeps them engaged. Being vulnerable and talking honestly about your own struggles helps others relate on a deeper, more personal level.

Talk about challenges you’ve faced relevant to the post topic. Share how you navigated difficult times. This reminds readers others face similar issues, and they’re not alone. Provide encouraging advice for overcoming obstacles.

Rahwa Gebremeskel shows this perfectly, in this post about looking back on 2023.

3. Add Humor

Most professional social media posts can get dry, serious, and dull. Injecting some lighthearted humor keeps your audience engaged and entertained.

Think about funny anecdotes or amusing stories you can share related to your post topic. Use your unique personality and voice. Or incorporate witty phrasing, interesting metaphors, or a dash of sarcasm to add humor.

We were able to do this well, back when I was working at Deshet Creatives and Marketing, in this post that pokes light-hearted fun at the most popular companies in Ethiopia.

4. Share Authoritative Content

Providing unique insights and high-quality information demonstrates your knowledge. Share what you've learned from first-hand experience and original research to establish authority as a thought leader.

Offer data-backed stats and tips readers won’t find elsewhere. Educate them on insider expertise. This shows you offer something new as an industry expert. For example, Reqiq Data and Insights positions themselves as data experts, like in this post looking at the coffee price points of some popular spots in Addis.

5. Leverage Your Credentials

If you have the credentials or proven expertise in a certain topic, readers will listen closely when you discuss it. Use your demonstrated knowledge from past work and experience to create trust.

Belen Wagaw has built a well-established personal brand - so people listen when she makes posts like this about personal branding.

6. Offer Value

This is arguably the most important one. Make sure readers gain something useful from your post like practical advice or tips. Give insights or data they can actually apply. I aimed to deliver value by sharing this LinkedIn post which is a shorter form of this blog.

The next time you create a post, use these techniques to come up with engaging content that keeps scroll-happy readers hooked.

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